Family Stuff

Here I go on for some pertinent details of myself, Micah Fisher-Kirshner:

Personal Details

I consider myself a Northern Californian, born and raised within the Silicon Valley with a lot of pride for the area and the spoiled view that weather is always great. With a focus on anything modern, I consistently listen to techno music via Pandora and am a voracious reader of technology or science fiction novels. I am always up for a game of chess and miss the days when I could competitively run in track meets.

Education Details

My education went through Mission San Jose High School to The George Washington University with a Bachelor’s in International Affairs and then a Master’s in Pacific International Affairs at the International Relations & Pacific Studies program at UCSD focusing in International Economics. My regional focus throughout undergrad and graduate was on China, in terms of language, literature, and history.

Additional Details

Any additional details about myself can be found through the main social networks: Facebook for personal information and LinkedIn for work information.